Thursday, June 3, 2010

2 Year Check Up Appointment

Sorry...I don't have any pictures for this post. It is purely informational. BORING!

Chad and I took Annemarie in for her 2 year check up today. She is 36.5'' tall (100%), 28 pounds (70%) and 19.5'' for her head (95%). Chad and I could not believe she was 70% for weight considering she rarely eats.

As Annemarie was getting measured, she kicked the nurse in the face. I was horrified. The nurse was very understanding, but I pretty much think she thinks we have a terrible kid. She only had to get one shot and as soon as the nurse put her bandaid on, Annemarie ripped it off. Big surprise.

All in all, the appt went well and Annemarie is growing according to schedule.

1 comment:

Marsha said...

TALL!!:) I had no idea she was that tall. It's hard to tell in pics. I've always known she's cute though!

Our pedi thinks we're nuts too. Last time I was there, the nurse had to carry Harrison out of the office for me because I had EE in a sling and he was doing the whole dead leg, fall to the ground, cry, scream, and not let me pick him up. Fun times!