Thursday, May 27, 2010

Scooter and the Zoo

My mom and dad got Annemarie a scooter for her 2nd birthday. They came over earlier this week to drop it off since they will be in Napa Valley (lukcy dogs) on her actual birthday. Annemarie LOVES it and rides it really well.

My "MOMtourage" group took our kids to the zoo on Tuesday. We are still amazed at how well all the kids did. No one had a meltdown (NO NAPS that day!!) and they all played so well together. The splash pad was by far the biggest hit of the day. It was super hot so they were thrilled to cool off in the water. They also all loved the baby elephant. Sorry...I don't have a picture. It was adorable though.

1 comment:

Marsha said...

Annemarie is rocking her converse! So cute! Can't wait for ee to sport some just like it!

I can't believe she is 2!!!! CRAZY!!