Monday, April 14, 2008

8.5 Month Update

I hit the 34 week mark yesterday and only have 6 weeks left! I had a doctors appointment today and Dr. Reeves was VERY pleased with my progress over the past 2 weeks. I measured in at 34 cm so he was super happy with that. My blood pressure was 110/60, which seems really low to me, but he was happy with that too. Chad and I are taking a breastfeeding class tonight so I hope we get some useful information out of the class. We are almost finished watching our birthing video too. Annemarie's room is close to being finished. I just need Chad to hang some mirrors and I want to find a book shelf for the corner.


The Armstrong's said...

Look at that belly growin'! I am so excited for our girls to get here. Annemarie is going to love her room, it looks so cute.

etphonehome21 said...

You're in the home stretch buddy and lookin' good!!!

Anonymous said...

to late for vaginal but I would love to have anal sex with you, maybeget it far enough in I c-m in your little girls mouth